• SWJTU Global Recruitment For Full-Time Postdoctoral Researchers

  • Historic First in Premier International Landscape Architecture Competition

  • Sudipto Sajol Kha, Bangladesh

    ​I left home for Southwest Jiaotong University when I was a young boy of 19 years of age. A boy like me had a dream to have a better life, a dream to study in a developed environment in that time, same as my parents dreamt. After this 9 year of journey in South West Jiaotong University, I can say that from 2011 till now I am living my dream. I have done my Bachelor degree and Masters’from this university as a student and also as a member of this big family. SWJTU built my self-confidence and taught me to be bold and honest. When I walk down the roads of SWJTU campus, it comforts me and makes my heart filled with happiness. This 9 years has been the best time of my life.You can call me “Jiaoda Ren”, that is my best certificate. Love you Jiaoda, Love you China.

  • Yongsang Kim, South Korea

    “Have been closer to Logistics through the School of Transportation and Logistics of Southwest Jiaotong University.” Deciding to choose to continue my degree at SWJTU was definitely a choice well-made. Although I just have been here for a year and I can participate in all the activities of Southwest Jiaotong University. teachers, classmates, teachers of the International Office, everyone will seriously ‘care for each other, love each other, love each other’. They are very responsible for their work. "Don't hesitate, just ask, they all answer you." Everyone hopes to come to Southwest Jiaotong University to catch your dreams. Thank you.

  • Yahia Halabi, Syria

    ​I started studying at Southwest Jiaotong University in the College of Civil Engineering to begin my experience and learn about everything that surrounds me in China. My supervisor was very generous by giving me all his knowledge to be a great success and publish several types of research. I graduated in 2019 after having received the best evaluation of my research among international students at an excellent rate. Since my university is a university of competencies, I got an opportunity to complete my Ph.D. in structural engineering. During my years in China, I learned how to make my way to success, and I was amazed by the development and greatness of the efforts that the Chinese are making to build their country especially our great city Chengdu, which is a wonderful city.

  • Naeem Muhammad, Pakistan

    It has been an incredible experience for me to study at School of information science and technology at SWJTU. Because this school has some of the world famous faculty members and Research Supervisors. Overall environment of SWJTU for international students incredibly amazing. And Chengdu is one of the Beautiful cities of china and i always love to explore the vitality of this city. When I was a Masters student it was my dream to pursue my further studies in China. My dream come true as I am in Chengdu and started my PhD in SWJTU. Because this is a leading university in china for computer science research. The state of the art key laboratory for cloud computing and intelligent systems attracts me to pursue my research and I always believe that a good environment is necessary for good research.

  • Shehar Bano, Pakistan

    During my studies in SWJTU I have gained a lot of experience in almost all aspects of life, as it was my 1st experience of living abroad. During MS I have experienced many research opportunities because of my advisor, faculty members and well equipped labs. I really appreciate my lab environment which helped me to write many research articles as well as learning latest softwares related to my area of interest. I'm now stronger, more refined and intelligent version of me. Nevertheless, my journey at this university has been significantly enriched by help from my professors, I salute and thank them for guiding, shaping and molding me.After completing my MS in 2018, I again chose SWJTU to continue my studies for Ph.D because it will help me in future as I strive to be successful in my career.

  • Noreen Anwar, Pakistan

    Challenging and amazing! I made lots of memories during my time at SWJTU. I’m grateful for the guidance I received from my professors and staff; having friends from different nationalities have strengthened my teamwork capability for working in diverse settings. The availability of non-academic opportunities such as social events in and outside the university helps you grow, have fun and learn about different aspects of life in China and around the world. Overall, the time spent at SWJTU helped me grow and to be more confident as an individual to achieve my goal of being a research scientist.

  • Alumnus, Malik Muneeb Abid, Pakistan

    It was really and awesome and cheerful feeling after my selection for "Outstanding international researcher 2016" award.I chose Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU), China in 2013 to start my Ph.D studies in Traffic Engineering. The outstanding faculty of "School of Transportation and Logistics Engineering" guided and challenged me to drive myself. My advisor Prof Xinguo Jiang had made the difference in my research skills and provided me an established platform to publish high quality journal papers as well as to attend conferences during my study.As a scholar-researcher I learned how individual actions impact team performance. The lessons I've learned on the court here in SWJTU are undoubtedly serving me well in my personal and professional life.

  • Khalil Al-Bukhaiti, Yemen

    I am here in Chengdu with my family three years ago, and I did not expect to find in China that was I saw. It was surprising and impressive. I had cultural experiences with some of the Chinese friends that I still have with all respect and appreciation. It really surprised me, an urban development that is rapidly advancing modern technology that races against time. All of these things are hard to find in one country, but in China, you see what you can't see anywhere. A huge popular heritage, amazing traditional costumes, popular dishes, varied and delicious foods, and lifestyles. The future of this country is mixed with its ancient civilization and drawn by the hands of its great population.

  • Fares Mohammed Shaif Almarh, Yemen

    It is a great pleasure to share my personal in Chengdu with you. I came to Chengdu in the summer 2018 for the first time to study at southwest jiaotong university in Chengdu. I always wanted to pursue a Railways engineering degree, but with my career as a technical, I didn't think I'd be able to. When I found out about the railways engineering program in Southwest Jiaotong University, it was exactly what I had been looking for, and this program help me to get back on track. My professor took a personal stake in my academic success, and I have reaped countless benefits from it. All in all, I've joined a great team whose number 1 priority is my education. I highly recommend this program to international students as well as working professionals. Southwest Jiaotong university is exactly what you're looking for!

  • Alumnus, Burhan Mohi Yu Din, Pakistan

    ​I was always looking for Ph.D opportunities outside Pakistan. It was the CSC Scholarship program in 2018 that opened a new door for me to start studies abroad in one of the oldest and well-known university of China i-e Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU), China.I chose to study Computer Science in SWJTU because of its well-equipped laboratories and impressive faculty.The department advisors have been great in helping me to tailor study plans. My research skills were improved due to laboratory environment and I was able to write many articles as well as laboratory provide me the opportunity to participate in the highly ranked conference. This learning experience helped me to put theory in practical and to get comprehensive knowledge about my field and my area of interest.

  • Dr. Salvatore Grasso Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, SWJTU

    Chengdu is a vibrant and fascinating mega city with the right life-work balance. The performing economy and the generous financial resources are currently translating out of box ideas into disruptive technologies. Thanks to the efforts of international scientists, Pandas are no longer an endangered species. This teaches us that sharing ambitions and challenges could contribute to a better society.

  • Dr. Lutz Pluemer

    I would never have thought that after my retirement, a university and major metropolitan city in China would become my second home. But now I am enjoying the relaxed life in Chengdu, China's garden city, the welcoming culture at the university, the diligence and dedication of the students, and the valuable opportunity to collaborate with my Chinese colleagues on projects that will shape the future. ​

  • Dr. Majid Amanibeni Assistant Researcher, School of Architecture and Design, SWJTU

    From the very beginning I have been encouraged by the world-class academic staff, international network and friendly environment of the SWJTU to become a member of this university. Support from the university, research projects, diverse programs and interdisciplinary studies are a big part of here. I also like living in the colorful and relaxing city of Chengdu. I believe Chengdu is one of the best cities to live and work.

  • Ferdie Mostert Lecturer, School of Foreign Languages, SWJTU

    If someone told me that I would visit SWJTU in Chengdu November 2015 then return a year later to sign a contract and stay the last 4 years, I would never have believed. I suppose the well-known saying is true …”Come to Chengdu once…after that it is difficult to leave”. Seeing that I am from South Africa and the positive relations that exist between China and Africa, also means that potential opportunity abounds. My work and stay in Chengdu is an absolute pleasure. Wonderful dedicated students, efficient colleagues and friendly business partners ensure every effort to be a pleasure. Building relationships and being part of impacting future leaders will always be a privilege.

  • Dr. Dariusz Wanatowski Professor, Pro-Dean of SWJTU-Leeds Joint School, SWJTU

    Having spent more than 3 years working and living in Chengdu, I am constantly amazed by rapid development of infrastructure in the City and the Province. Newly constructed metro and tram lines, tunnels, bridges and parks make Chengdu one of the most livable cities in China. I’m very pleased to see that my colleagues from SWJTU are involved in many of these projects. Their engineering expertise provides an excellent platform for educating engineering students who will be contributing significantly to the success of People’s Republic of China in the future. On a personal level, my family and I love Chengdu. It’s our home now and we believe it is the best city in China!

  • Dr. A. Jacob Odgaard

    ​I have worked in many mega cities around the world, but none quite like Chengdu. I don’t think I exaggerate when I state that in terms of livability, Chengdu is one of the best kept secrets of the world. I love the relaxed atmosphere. Both in the city and within our university. Business opportunities abound.

  • Dr. Ahad Amini Pishro Postdoctoral Research Associate and Assistant Professor, SWJTU

    When it comes to education, SWJTU establishes a prominent presence worldwide. Not only is doing research at SWJTU competitive, worthwhile and dynamic, but working with skilled professors brings me an invaluable motivation to help students make their scientific dreams a reality. I’ve been working at SWJTU since my graduation from SCU, and now I am thrilled to see myself on a path of continuous improvement. This beneficial experience provides me with decisive insight into my research, and efficiency for teamwork related projects in the future.