Exemplary Case in Publishing Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative

Recently, the case submitted by Southwest Jiaotong University Publishing House, “Multilingual Translations of Rail Transit Selected Books Design of High-speed Railway Turnouts: Theory and Application”, is chosen by the Publishing Association of China as an exemplary one in publishing cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative.

To facilitate publishing cooperation and strengthen cultural communication of member nations of the Belt and Road Initiative, 92 exemplary cases are selected in the Fifth Belt and Road Publishing Cooperation Case Collection and International Talent Selection in Publishing Cooperation under the Belt and Initiative by the Publishing Association of China.

Design of High-speed Railway Turnouts: Theory and Application is a monograph written by professor Wang Ping, vice president of Southwest Jiaotong University. Prof. Wang specializes in researches about high-speed railway track dynamics and its operation security and contributes significantly to the solution of technical problems regarding the manufacture of 250 km/h and 300 km/h high-speed turnouts and stabilization technology of tract regularity. The book also summarizes his years of research, pedagogical and practice experiences, systemically introducing the design theory and practical application of high-speed turnouts extensively applied in design and construction both at home and abroad, serving as valuable teaching and learning materials for professionals in universities, institutes and enterprises in this field.

The book is translated into English, Vietnamese and Korean for the benefits of foreign readers and is instrumental to the dissemination and sharing of high-speed railway turnout technology.

上一条:The First Conference on Intelligent and Green Bridge Engineering and the First Conference on Intelligent Geotechnics and Tunneling 下一条:New National Railway Science Popularization Base at SWJTU