The research findings co-authored by Professor Ni Yuxiang from the School of Physical Science and Technology at Southwest Jiaotong University were published in the international top-tier academic journal Nature on October 16. The research paper entitled “A Graphite Thermal Tesla Valve Driven by Hydrodynamic Phonon Transport” represents a profound interdisciplinary integration of physics, materials science, and other related fields. It was collaboratively completed by Professor Ni, Professor Masahiro Nomura's team from the University of Tokyo in Japan, Professor Guo Yangyu from Harbin Institute of Technology, and others.

Professor Ni has long been engaged in research on heat conduction at the micro- and nano-scales and published over 70 research papers in high-level international journals such as Nature, Physical Review Letters, and Nature Communications. His papers have been cited more than 1,400 times. He also serves as the Executive Director of the Chengdu Physical Society, a member of the Sichuan Physical Society and the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, and a Guest Editor for SCI journals including Advances in Condensed Matter Physics and Journal of Nanomaterials, as well as a Review Editor for Frontiers of Physics.