International Studies

Center for European Studies

The Center for European Studies of SWJTU was established in 2016. The School of Foreign Languages of SWJTU is responsible for the management and building of the Center. It became an area studies center filed in the Ministry of Education of China in 2017.

Professor Zhou Hong, Honorary Professor of SWJTU and Member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, holds the post of Director of the Academic Committee of the Center. In 2016, the Center won a Jean Monnet Chairs project from the European Union. The academic team members of the Center, including Professor Zhou Hong, Professor Xiong Hou, Professor Li Chengjian and Professor Zhang Jun, constitute a mentoring team for the project, who have completed the design and teaching of courses such as "EU and Global Governance" and "European Economic Governance".

Relying on the Jean Monnet Chairs project, the Center has invited domestic and foreign experts and scholars in the field of European studies to give lectures at SWJTU. Among them, there are many heavyweight experts and scholars, such as Professor Roger T. Ames, an expert in Chinese and Western comparative philosophy, Professor Song Weiqing at University of Macau, and Dr. Feng Zhongping, a researcher at the China Institutes of Modern International Relations. Since 2017, the Center has continued to apply for and preside over the annual area studies projects of the Ministry of Education.

The European Studies Center has established a stable teaching and research team, and has made relatively influential achievements in the framework of EU projects. It is one of the dynamic and characteristic research centers in the field of European studies.

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