Doctoral student Tian Xin acts as co-first author on Nature

On August 25th, 2021, Tian Xin, a doctoral student at the University, acted as the co-first author and published the latest research result “Rechargeable Na/CI2 and Li/CI2 Batteries” (Nature 596, 525–530 (2021) on the top international academic journal Nature in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Zhu Guanzhou from Stanford University. Academician Dai Hongjie, honorary professor of SWJTU and leader of the research, served as the corresponding author of this article.

Tian Xin graduated from the Programme of Materials Science and Engineering (the research orientation of polymer) at our University in 2012 and was admitted into the Graduate School upon recommendation after successfully completion of her postgraduate studies. In 2015, she was enrolled as a doctoral student of Professor Zhou Zuowan at the Institute of Frontier Science and Technology (IFST-SWJTU). During her doctoral studies, she has participated in projects sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, published more than 10 SCI papers, made reports at international academic conferences for many times, and won the national scholarships for doctoral students and many special scholarships for specific programmes and disciplines. Supported by China Scholarship Council, she went to Stanford University for a joint doctoral training programme from 2018 to 2019 and carried out research on Nano-Energy materials with academician Dai Hongjie.

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